Fourth Parties and Beyond: Managing Risk in the Extended Supply Chain

Fourth Parties and Beyond: Managing Risk in the Extended Supply Chain

Date: Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Time: 11:00am-12:00pm ET


✔ Andrew Moyad, CEO, Shared Assessments

✔ John Bree, Chief Evangelist & Chief Risk Officer, Supply Wisdom

✔ Michelle Clement, Experienced Third Party Risk Professional,

✔ Charles Forde, Head of Operational Risk, Nomura


Just as managing the risk of your direct suppliers is critical, understanding the risk of your suppliers' suppliers is imperative. While you may work most directly with secure third-party vendors and platforms, unknown Fourth Parties (vendors of vendors) can cause significant disruptions to your business. How do you manage the threats posed by these Fourth or Nth Parties? Participants will learn practical ways to identify and manage fourth parties through an overview of the tools and techniques experienced risk professionals use to effectively measure and address risk across all levels of the supply chain.

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