On Demand Events

AI & Emerging Technologies Committee – Open to Members Only

The Shared Assessments AI & Emerging Technology Committee provided an update on Shared Assessments' AI initiatives, including the EU AI ACT, response to the Treasury's RFI and an upcoming AI briefing paper. The committee discussed potential cyber risks and concerns around autonomous vehicles (AVs), including data privacy, cross-border data sharing, and the lack of underwriting history compared to human-driven vehicles. Participants highlighted the need for regulatory frameworks and standards to address the risks of AVs, as the technology is rapidly evolving. Lastly, the committee had an in-depth discussion on the advancements in deep fake technology and the potential for misuse, including identity fraud in remote work situations. Participants emphasized the balance between convenience and security, and the need for new methods to verify identity in a remote workforce. The group also discussed the importance of educating customers and third parties about the risks of deep fakes. The next meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2024.
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