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Diverging Paths in ESG Regulation?

We’ll discuss:

  • • Why ESG matters to third party (and Nth party) risk management
  • • EU and German Supply Chain Due Diligence Regulations (environment and human rights) and w ...


✔ Gary Roboff

Senior Advisor, Shared Assessments

✔ Colleen Milazzo

SVP of Third Party Risk Software Products, Shared Assessments

Determining the Risk of Critical Third Parties

Leveraging third parties can lead to significant efficiencies, but it is not without risk. This session will explore criteria used to establish inherent risk and provide approaches for assessing a cri ...


✔ Charlie Miller

Senior Advisor, Shared Assessments

✔ Colleen Milazzo

SVP of Third Party Risk Software Products, Shared Assessments

✔ Hannah Ford

Risk Manager - Supply & Third Party Risk Intelligence, Supply Wisdom

Top 5 Ways to Make your Business More Resilient in 2023

A year marked by an increase in supply chain disruptions, 2022 left many organizations reeling in its aftermath. The New Year offers a chance for companies to prepare for a new wave of disruption and ...


✔ Jenna Wells

Global Head Of Customer Experience, Supply Wisdom

✔ Tom Garrubba

Director, TPRM Professional Services, Echelon Risk + Cyber

Best Practices for Effective Third-Party Security Risk Management

InfoSec, IT risk and digital supply chain management professionals know the key to minimizing the risk of third-party breaches: implementing a comprehensive and efficient third-party security risk man ...


✔ Andrew Moyad

CEO, Shared Assessments, Shared Assessments

✔ Dov Goldman

Director of Risk and Compliance, Panorays

New 2023 Product Suite: Standardized Excellence To Meet Today’s Risk Environment

Shared Assessments has updated and upgraded the 2023 Third Party Risk Management Product Suite to align with a changing regulatory and threat environment. Content has been adjusted to focus on Cyberse ...


✔ Christopher Campbell

Manager of Sales, Shared Assessments

✔ Andy Hout

Vice President, Tool Development & Implementation, Shared Assessments

Exchange/Assessment Efficiency

The increased focus on efficiency of Third-Party Risk control assessments, performed on vendors and supply chains requires all organizations to improve their use and integration of products, technique ...


✔ Colleen Milazzo

Senior Vice President, TPR Software Products, Shared Assessments

✔ Charlie Miller

Senior Advisor, Shared Assessments

✔ Chris Paterson

Director of Strategy, Third-Party Risk CIPP/E, CIPM, FIP, OneTrust

✔ Jonathan Dambrot

Principal, Cyber Security Services, KPMG

The 5 Criteria Essential for Long-Term Third-Party Risk Management Program Success

Your third-party risk management program is on solid footing and bringing in short term success. But how do you keep the momentum going? What does a dynamic, agile program look like? Join Tom Garru ...


✔ Tom Garrubba

Director, TPRM Professional Services, Echelon Risk + Cyber

✔ Alastair Parr

Senior Vice President, Global Products & Risk, Prevalent

Third-Party Risk Assessments: Going Beyond Compliance Checks and IT Risk Management

In third-party risk management, to lower vendor and supplier risks to an acceptable level, practitioners must recognize which controls need to be in place. Understanding the types of vendors being onb ...


✔ Nasser Fattah

Senior Advisor, Shared Assessments

✔ Ken Wolckenhauer

Vice President, Vendor Management, Nordea Bank, International Corporate Branches

✔ Persio Reyes

Cybersecurity & Technology Risk Management Executive , Société Générale

The Top 4 Ways to Ease Third-Party Vendor Onboarding In Risk Management

Vendor onboarding is an essential early step in the third-party risk management lifecycle. What types of risk insights are helpful as you establish approved providers of technology, goods, or services ...


✔ Tom Garrubba

Director, TPRM Professional Services, Echelon Risk + Cyber

✔ Joe Toley

Project Director, Prevalent

Fourth Parties and Beyond: Managing Risk in the Extended Supply Chain

Just as managing the risk of your direct suppliers is critical, understanding the risk of your suppliers' suppliers is imperative. While you may work most directly with secure third-party vendors and ...


✔ Andrew Moyad

CEO, Shared Assessments

✔ John Bree

Chief Evangelist & Chief Risk Officer, Supply Wisdom

✔ Michelle Clement

Experienced Third Party Risk Professional,

✔ Charles Forde

Head of Operational Risk, Nomura