On Demand Events

Fourth Parties and Beyond: Managing Risk in the Extended Supply Chain

Just as managing the risk of your direct suppliers is critical, understanding the risk of your suppliers' suppliers is imperative. While you may work most directly with secure third-party vendors and platforms, unknown Fourth Parties (vendors of vendors) can cause significant disruptions to your business. How do you manage the threats posed by these Fourth or Nth Parties? Participants will learn practical ways to identify and manage fourth parties through an overview of the tools and techniques experienced risk professionals use to effectively measure and address risk across all levels of the supply chain.
  • Andrew Moyad
    CEO, Shared Assessments
    Andrew is an accomplished leader and trailblazer in third party risk management. As a practitioner and a senior risk management executive, he has driven a culture of accountability and diligence in safeguarding information. Andrew has more than 25 years in risk management and information security. He has contributed greatly to the transformation and advancement of risk management as a strategic function that intersects with and helps guide all aspects of organizations.
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  • John Bree
    Chief Evangelist & Chief Risk Officer, Supply Wisdom
    John is Chief Evangelist & Chief Risk Officer with Supply Wisdom, the leading patented continuous risk intelligence and monitoring solution for third parties and locations. He is recognized as a global financial industry executive and risk subject matter expert, in vendor/third-party risk management, AML/CTF, KYC, and anti-fraud programs. Prior to joining Supply Wisdom, John held senior positions globally for Citi and Deutsche Bank covering corporate, investment, commercial and consumer banking. John is a member and co-moderator for RiskBoard.org, a member of the Shared Assessments US and UK Steering Committees and Co-Chair of the Financial Industry Vertical Strategy Group.
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  • Michelle Clement
    Experienced Third Party Risk Professional,
    Michelle Clement is an experienced risk professional that has led global teams across the first and second lines of defense for many years. Her focus is on transforming third party risk frameworks to continue to meet the demands of large enterprises. At BlackRock, she led the Global Third Party Risk division and the Governance Infrastructure for Global Provider Strategy. Her career started in the Securities Lending within trading. She holds an MBA from San Francisco State in Strategic Management and a BA in Management Information Systems.
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  • Charles Forde
    Head of Operational Risk, Nomura
    Charles has more than 25 years of experience in senior risk, technology and transformation roles at global banks, a Big 4 consultancy and at international organisations. He has extensive experience in designing, transitioning and leading risk and transformation programmes to drive efficiency and regulatory compliance. Currently, Charles is Head of Operational Risk at Nomura EMEA for Global Markets and Investment Banking.
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