Emily Irving, Director, is a member of Risk and Quantitative Analysis (RQA) and Global Head of the Third Party Risk Management team at BlackRock. Ms. Irving is a seasoned manager and risk professional with over two decades of experience in risk management. In her career, she has created and implemented enterprise-wide vendor risk management programs for financial industry companies-improving processes and implementing technology to validate the appropriateness of third party controls and to identify potential risks. Ms. Irving joined BlackRock in July of 2018. Before taking on her current role, Ms. Irving was recruited to design, implement and oversee global programs at First Marblehead, Wellington Management and Amundi Pioneer Investments.
Ms. Irving was the 2020 Shared Assessments Steering Committee Chair and continues to actively participate in the committee, is a board member of RiskBoard.org. and has been involved in the creation of multiple industry white papers, mentoring projects and often presents on the topics of third-party risk and fraud prevention.
Ms. Irving holds a MBA in Criminal Justice and BS in Psychology, both from the University of Massachusetts and is a certified fraud examiner (CFE), certified third party risk professional (CTPRP) and certified third party risk assessor (CTPRA).