Norine A. Richards
Third Party Information Security Risk Management PepsiCo, Inc.

Norine Richards is the Director for Bank Information Technology for the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s (OCC) Bank Supervision Policy department, Operational Risk Policy Division.
In this role, Ms. Richards manages the team responsible for developing, communicating, and interpreting policies for the OCC’s supervision of technology operations at financial institutions. She represents the OCC on several interagency groups, including the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council’s Information Technology Subcommittee that is responsible for coordination and development of information technology risk management supervisory guidance for such topics as information security, resiliency, technology operations, corporate governance, and independent risk management. Ms. Richards is currently involved in US Treasury led efforts related to cloud services adoption in the financial sector.
Ms. Richards has 29 years as a National Bank Examiner specializing information technology examination for significant service providers and financial institutions and served as the Bank Information Technology lead expert for the OCC’s Western District. Ms. Richards spend several years an information security consultant in Washington, D.C., and was the Director of Risk Management for a financial institution.