
Shared Assessments 2022 SIG Manager Scoping Template

How to Scope a Custom SIG Questionnaire

The video guides you through the creation of a custom SIG scoping template, which is then used to generate a custom SIG questionnaire.


Functionality of the SIG scoping template

Scoping is the process of selecting risk-based questions that represent a specific product or service. The SIG Manager automates the creation of custom SIG scoping templates to form custom SIG questionnaires.

As an outsourcer, you can create custom SIG Questionnaires for assessing the specific risks represented by each of your third-party service providers.

Or as a service provider, you can select the questions necessary for the service or services your organization provides to your outsourcers to create a custom SIG scoping template.

Step 1: Using the SIG Manager worksheet

There are two standard SIG scoping templates, SIG Lite and SIG Core. Any custom SIG scoping templates are found below the 2 standard scoping templates. The SIG Manager worksheet, in conjunction with the Content Library worksheet, allows the creation of custom SIG scoping templates based on a product or service.

Scoping method also allows one to scope a vendor risk questionnaire by “Risk Domain”, “Mapping References”, or by the more granular “Risk Category”.  Single or multiple worksheets can be created, and the functionality is essentially the same across scoping methods.

Step 2: Custom Scope a SIG Using Different Scoping Techniques

The “Risk Domain” scoping method will be demonstrated first. A list of all 18 domains is displayed with a scope level drop-down menu for each domain, and the SIG Lite, SIG Core, or SIG Detail as a scope level for any individual selection or all selections.  Scope level can be cleared by selecting a blank.

Select the A. Enterprise Risk Domain, and choose SIG Lite.  The selection status shows there are six questions in the selection, and a default template name.  Change the name to your organization’s default naming convention.

Cell color in the SIG Manager

Looking at Content Library tab now, there is a blue background to some of the questions. These are the current questions that are included in the custom SIG Scoping template.  However, one can add or remove questions in a template by using the “From Scoping” column A which provides a choice to “Include/Exclude” any question.

Changing a question with a blue cell background color from “include” to “exclude” using the “From Scoping” column will change the cell background to orange, meaning it will be excluded from the template. Conversely, changing a question with an orange cell background to “include” changes the question background to blue and will be added to the template.

Using the Category Scoping Method to Demonstrate 4th Party Scoping

The “Category” scoping method allows the selection of scope level for one or many categories, similar to scoping by risk domains and mapping references.

Select “SIG Detail” for the 4th/Nth party risk management category and navigate to the Content Library worksheet. Now set a filter by cell color on the questions with the blue background, which highlights the questions that span multiple domains.

Using the Content Library Worksheet for Scoping a SIG Questionnaire

Another scoping method available is the standalone “include/exclude” method, allowing individual questions to be selected in the Content Library, which are used to create a custom SIG scoping template.

On the SIG Manager worksheets, leave the scoping method blank on the content library worksheet.  Try filtering by color, and confirm there are no questions with a blue background. When changing Column A to “Include” for any question, the background for that question will turn blue, confirming it will be included in the template.

Step 3: Creating the SIG Questionnaire with your new, scoped Template

Navigating back to the SIG Manager, there is a template name box and the selection status field shows there are three questions included. Select the “multiple worksheet” option, give this template a name, and then click the Save button.

Now under the “Create a SIG” function, there are now three templates available.  As discussed, there are the two standard templates available, SIG Core (pre-scoped with 825 questions) and SIG Lite (pre-scoped with 150 questions), and now the third template that was just created. Select the third template and click “create a SIG Questionnaire” to finish the process.