Cybercrime has become a sophisticated and global business operation. Cybercriminals are no longer targeting businesses alone, instead, they are shifting their focus to anyone with a potential financial gain.
A weak security system means that you are more susceptible to hacking. The level of effort to hack is easier for cybercriminals if they are attacking an average consumer versus a business that may have a multitude of protections in place. Although they are hacking average consumers they can still walk away with a huge amount of money.
Every piece of technology you own is connected. This connection surpasses laptops and phones – consider all the devices that are intertwined in your network such as printers, remote controls, headphones, home alarm systems, smart home devices, thermostats, baby monitors, cars, etc. Each of these devices is a potential entry point into your network.
Our professional and personal life are blended. For example, you may use a laptop for the sole purpose of work but use your own personal phone to check emails when you are away from your desk. Your laptop may be secure, but your personal phone may not be and that is an entry point for hackers.
Aside from device security network security is at stake too. When you are at home you are also sharing your network with other people within the household and that too poses a threat.
Acts of prevention go a long way. By incorporating the steps above into your daily life, you are making your home and devices more secure from a cyber threat.