Earning CPE Hours

Earning Shared Assessments and External CPE Hours

CPE credits can be earned by participating in Shared Assessments committees, activities, and events.

  • Shared Assessments Steering Committee
    • Two-year terms by election only.  Nominations for Steering Committee members are sought in January of each year.
    • (12+ CPE credits can be earned on an annual basis)
  • Shared Assessments Development Committees
    • Standard Information Gathering (SIG) Questionnaire Committee
    • Standard Information Gathering (SIG) Privacy Committee
    • Standardized Control Assessment (SCA) Committee
    • Vendor Risk Management Maturity Model (VRMMM)
    • CTPRP Review Committee.
    • (12+ CPE credits can be earned on an annual basis per committee)
  • Knowledge Committees (TBD) These committees focused on specific topic-driven areas associated with Vendor Risk Management.
    • (Approximately 12+ CPE credits can be earned on an annual basis per committee – 1 CPE is awarded for each 50-minute hour)
  • Monthly Member Forum calls – Listen to key industry and regulatory thought leaders presenting on the latest developments in vendor risk management and regulatory compliance. Ask questions and interact with your peers to gain further insight into current events and issues.
    • (Approximately 12+ CPE credits can be earned on an annual basis per committee – 1 CPE is awarded for each 50-minute hour)
  • Submission of blogs for Shared Assessments Authorities on Risk AssuranceAuthorities on Assurance is a forum for the discussion of trends, issues and challenges in the world of third party risk assurance.  It’s designed to address the concerns of people responsible for an ever growing list of issues, including third party risk management, vendor assessment, and third party IT security, privacy and data breach.
    • (2 CPE credits can be earned per each 400 – 600 word published blog)
  • Become a Mentor with the Shared Assessments Member Mentor Program – The program allows all participants to expand their peer network and their understanding of vendor risk management best practices.
    • (2 CPE credits can be earned for each mentor session hour performed)
  • Attendance at the annual Shared Assessments Summit and Pre-Summit Workshops – The Shared Assessments Summit is an annual day-and-a-half in-person forum providing expertise on the outsourcing landscape, regulator insights, updates on global trends, and other vendor risk management topics of interest. Multiple Pre-Summit Workshops are offered in advance of the event.
    • (15-18 CPE credits can be earned by attending the Summit)
    • (4-8 CPE credits can be earned for each Pre-Summit Workshop)


Non-Shared Assessments CPE hours may be earned by attending industry conferences or webinars, authoring published materials or course instructions, or from speaking engagements pertaining to the topics that fall under the vendor risk management umbrella, such as security, privacy, and business continuity.

Among the types of acceptable activities include:

  • ISACA, IAPP, ISC2, and AICPA education activities and meetings
  • In-house corporate training, professional conferences, workshops, webinars, and university courses
  • Self-study courses which offer CPE credits
  • Teaching or presenting at industry conferences and event


Documentation relating to earned CPE credits for external activities must be obtained and should be in the form of a letter, certificate of completion, attendance roster, or other verification of attendance.  At a minimum, each record should include the event name, name of the sponsoring organization, date of the activity, number of CPE hours awarded and a description of the event.


NOTE: The CTPRP Certification Committee will determine the acceptance of hours for non-Shared Assessments-related activities.


CTPRP holders may be required to participate in an audit of CPE credits.



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