On Demand Events

Vendor Risk Management Maturity Benchmark Study

Study results and analysis will be discussed pertaining to the 6th Shared Assessments Vendor Risk Management Maturity Benchmark Study. The study was conducted on behalf of Shared Assessments in the United States and United Kingdom by the Ponemon Institute, a widely recognized leader in risk management research. Survey responses will help practitioners gauge the maturity of their own third-party risk management (TPRM) program against others at a sector level.

Cost: Free / Credits: 1 CPE
  • Gary Roboff
    Senior Advisor, Shared Assessments
    Gary Roboff is a Senior Advisor to Shared Assessments where he focuses on payments, risk management, mobile financial services, and information management. Gary has almost four decades of experience in financial services planning and management, including 25 years at JP Morgan Chase where he retired as Senior Vice President of Electronic Commerce. Gary has worked extensively in electronic payments, payments fraud, third party risk management, privacy, and information utilization, as well as business frameworks and standards for electronic commerce applications.
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  • Dr. Larry Ponemon
    Founder, Ponemon Institute
    Dr. Larry Ponemon is the Chairman and Founder of the Ponemon Institute, a research “think tank” dedicated to advancing privacy, data protection and information security practices. Dr. Ponemon is considered a pioneer in privacy auditing and the Responsible Information Management (RIM) framework. Security Magazine named him one of the “Most Influential People for Security.”
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