Results for "trust but verify"

Balancing Compliance & “Ban The Box”:


January 27, 2014 | Compliance

According to a National Employment Law Project (NELP) report, nearly 65 million Americans have a criminal record that could be identified by a background check. That equates to roughly one in four citizens who may have limitations in applying for jobs. Employer job applications have…

Hands-on Assessment


November 18, 2013 | News, On-site Assessment

In my previous blog, The SIG – The Swiss Army Knife of Risk Assessment, I commented on the versatility of the SIG, the Shared Assessments Program’s Standardized Information Gathering questionnaire. This month I want to discuss its complementary, on-site assessment tool: the Agreed Upon Procedures…

The NSA, Snowden and Third-Party Risk: Preliminary Lessons Learned


August 5, 2013 | Information Security, Outsourcing, Third Party Risk, Vendor Security

Remember this: Edward Snowden Worked for a Third-Party Vendor. While it remains uncertain what exactly Mr. Snowden shared with other nations, we do know this: he wasn’t authorized to disclose classified information. Some may believe he is a hero, others believe he is a villain.…

The Road To A Risk Management Career


by Sabine Zimmer | January 26, 2023 | Risk Professionals

Andrew Moyad (CEO, Shared Assessments) recently sat down with Michael Crawford (Head of Operations, Opstream) to talk about his risk management career. This blog post presents outtakes from the interview, exploring Andrew's winding career path (along with a few laughs). Whether you are wondering about…

2022 Third Party Risk Summit: Day 1 Recap


by Mark Rudio | May 4, 2022 | News And Events, Shared Assessments Summit

Catherine A. Allen, Founder, Chairman and former CEO of Shared Assessments, kicked off the 2022 Third Party Risk Summit with a warm welcome while noting “It’s really a strange time. It’s been a strange time ever since Covid started, and since our last in-person conference,…