CCPA paper

GDPR Privacy Guidelines and Checklists

This set of General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) resources have been updated to provide insights to the Third Party risk community and include background on the regulation and guidance on how to integrate GDPR requirements into TPRM programs. These resources work in conjunction with the Shared ....

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GDPR paper

CCPA Privacy Guidelines and Checklists

This set of California Online Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) resources are provided to share insights and best practices on how to understand aspects of CCPA and the implications that this regulation has on Third Party risk management. These resources work in conjunction with the Shared Assessmen ....

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escalating white paper

Building TPRM Resources in Light of Increasing Risks & Regulatory Change: Tools to Align with Business Goals

Third party risk managers are struggling to convey the need for the additional resources to develop and sustain a robust TPRM program. Shared Assessments members came together to create a coherent picture of the emerging challenges and provide actionable tools that practitioners can use to document ....

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